Setting Stretch Goals

It may come as a surprise to many of you entrepreneurs, but a great majority of small business owners, and many of the clients I coach, are reluctant to set big stretch goals.   While we all say that we want to amplify our current business revenues and profits, my mentor has identified four main reasons why we do not move the needle accordingly:


  • They have not learned how to reverse-engineer the business to double or triple their income and cannot fathom how this could happen for them.


  • The old notion of working harder and longer to make more is still ingrained in the minds of many business owners.   Today, many of you may already be overwhelmed, and are under the impression that “more clients means more headaches”.   You continue to “play small,” rather than dreaming big. 


  • You operate under the assumption that you are alone and that even if you have a team, you are the sole responsible player that can move the needle forward.  Not delegating and sharing responsibility and empowering your team, you stay stuck instead of striving for exponential growth.


  • Some may future-cast and let a story play in their head.  They are worried about what might happen if they did not reach their stretch goal.  The embarrassment and failure to achieve the goal keeps them small and they will continue on the same path, taking baby steps, rather than giant strides forward.


What I have learned is that you cannot expect change if you keep doing the same thing over and over. 

I urge you to let go of the “status quo” and trust.  Trust yourself, your team, and your own mindset shift to stepping into greatness.  Stepping into what you truly deserve is one of the many reasons we become entrepreneurs.


Share this motivation and stretch goal with your family, your team, to amplify your energy and motivation to push forward.  Stretch yourself so you can hire more team members, delegate, and have more time to play in your unique brilliance; the exponential growth activity zone of your creativity.   Delegate and share responsibility so you have more time off.   Let others shine in their areas of unique brilliance.  You do not have to do it all and the secret is that if you empower others, you do not have to be the sole responsible party, and your business will grow, work will be done quicker, and clients will be eager to work with you again and refer you to others.


Ask yourself how your life would be if you tracked everything in the business and committed to reaching big stretch goals every year.  You need to show up, take personal responsibility and empower your team to do the same.  

You need to track monthly, quarterly, and yearly data to achieve the goals.  


Try setting up a spreadsheet with all of your revenue streams.   Plug in the numbers you have currently and then each month/quarter, imagine doubling or tripling your bottom line to get to the end of year goal you are manifesting.   This is a two-pronged approach.   Having physical numbers for you and your team to meet is very powerful and important but to grow to the next big level, congruence and accountability (yours and your team’s) are what will significantly move you forward. It requires a new mindset and a new way of showing up.


If we’re going to play the game of business anyway, play big and put profit and growth first!  What will you do to move the needle toward that bigger goal? 


Send me your thoughts and if you are ready to learn more, please email our team and set a date for a Discovery Call, where we can determine how we can work together to manifest your big stretch goals!

Phyllis Harbinger